
Leslie Mullins

  • October 31, 2019

Leslie Mullins

Chief Operating Officer – Bee Organized

  1. Bee Super Power? Crazy focused on the details. And some may say that I have super powers making spreadsheets. I think I have a spreadsheet for everything. And of course, all formatted to print.
  2. Bee Organizing Profile: The Just-in-Caser
  3. Favorite place to organize?  Kitchen and pantry
  4. Guilty pleasure?  Pretty much anything on Bravo. And add some wine and cheese in there…sounds like a perfect evening to me!
  5. Favorite place to unwind? The lake
  6. Pet peeve (or a Bee Sting)? Clutter. Specifically, the little random toys and trinkets that we get at kid’s birthday parties or random places that take up space and go to nothing but still accumulate.
  7. Words to live by?  Organization is the key to a happy life!
  8. Favorite Nectar (drink)? Wine. Always Wine.
  9. Best Inspiration?
  10. Favorite organizing tool / product? Oh there are so many! But an organization job is not complete without a label. Specifically from the Brother P-Touch Cube label maker….nothing is more satisfying than hearing that sweet sound of a label being created.
  11. Theme Song for Life?  “Shake It Out” Florence and the Machine