
New Year, Clutter-Free Cheer

New Year, Clutter-Free Cheer

People having group hug

Simplify Your Hive and Make Room for Your Best Life!

Everyone knows that getting and staying organized at home feels unBEElievably good, but it may surprise you to learn that experts from countless fields have weighed in on the proven ways that clutter-free living can improve your well-being. In this blog post, we walk you through the three most significant benefits of organizing your life. What are you waiting for?

1 Increase Your Happiness

The state of your living space can have a profound impact on your sense of wellBEEing. The researchā€”and our clientsā€”tells us that living in an organized space has a far-reaching impact on every aspect of our happiness.

We all know that healthy relationships are fundamental to happiness, but many of us ignore the fact that chaos and clutter in our homes can actually harm our social connections. Taking care of clutter can help you reduce conflict and tension with the people you share your living space with.

In addition, extending hospitality to friends and family can be a lovely way to keep those relationships strongā€”but only if you feel confident and comfortable inviting people into your space. Having a well-organized home makes you more likely to host both planned and spontaneous events and activities, helping you care for those precious relationships both inside and outside of your Hive.

two people sitting on a couch looking at the window

Secondā€”and we know you already know this oneā€”organizing your space boosts your mood. The amount of clutter in a living space is directly related to oneā€™s overall feeling of well-being. Catherine Roster, a researcher at the University of New Mexico, explained, ā€When thereā€™s lots of clutter, you lose control over your physical environment, which is very defeating and can bring on stress, depression, or anxiety.ā€ She found that organizing oneā€™s environment directly increased their feelings of well-being and happiness. Leave the anxiety and stress behind and bring on the relaxation and peace!

Finally, having an organized living space can give you a confidence boost, as well as everyone else who lives in the home! Researchers at UCLA found a strong connection between the amount of clutter in a home and the family membersā€™ sense of self-esteem. Thatā€™s rightā€”the simple act of keeping your home organized can help every single person in the home feel more confident as they go out into the world each day.

You deserve to live your happiest life filled with the confidence to grow relationships, reduce your stress, and enjoy the home youā€™ve created for yourself. If you havenā€™t already done so, now is the time to BEEgin!

2 Give Yourself the Gift of Time

parents playing with a child in a grass valley

Time is undoubtedly your most precious resource. Simplifying Your Hive can give you back some of your time, allowing you to focus on the people and activities that bring joy and meaning to your life.

A well-organized space can save you immeasurable time and money. How many minutes per day do you spend searching for your car keys, replacement batteries, your kidā€™s sports uniform, or some other item you know you have somewhere? Those minutes add up fast!

In fact, Americans report that they spend an average of 2.5 days per year looking for items they have lost. And those missing items can cost you money in addition to timeā€”talk about adding insult to injury! Too often, we not only lose the time we spend looking for misplaced items, but we also carry the additional burden of running to the store or hopping on to Amazon to replace that item ā€¦ which just leads to more clutter and wasteful spending.

Having an organized living space also reduces the amount of time you need to spend cleaning each week. Picture the entry into your homeā€”itā€™s much quicker to sweep or mop the area when you donā€™t have to first sort and move the piles of shoes and bags and mystery items. Cleaning an organized space simply takes less time than cleaning a space filled with clutter.

neatly organized closet

Finally, several studies have shown that when your work space is free of clutter, you are able to process information much faster and therefore are able to get your work done more efficiently. According to an article in the Stanford University health newsletter, research shows that you will be less irritable and distracted, more productive, and better able to process information with an uncluttered and organized home and office. Organized space = time saved!

So how will you spend that newly found time in ways that will help you live your best life? Will you finally dig into that book youā€™ve been meaning to read? Meal prep healthy lunches? Volunteer at the animal shelter? Play more board games with your honey? Have an impromptu party?

3Improve Your Physical Health

Did you know that BEEcoming more organized can have a positive effect on your physical health? Numerous studies have demonstrated the critical link between having an organized living space and increasing your physical well-being.

First, having an organized living space can help reduce several common household dangers. When you clear out the clutter from your living space, the breeding ground for the mold and dust that worsen asthma and allergies is also cleared away.

In addition, when all of those items that take up space on the floor have their own place to live, you dramatically reduce the potential for trips and falls in your home. Even the National Fire Protection Association is anti-clutter! Not only can disorganization accidentally lead to the placement of flammable items too close to heat sources, but it can also block emergency exits such as egress windows.

Second, clutter is stressful! Researchers at DePaul University in Chicago found that excess clutter can raise the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. Other researchers have noted that extra clutter can increase oneā€™s heart rate and blood pressure. The Mayo Clinic suggests that decluttering your space will go a long way toward decluttering your mind, and therefore reducing stress and fatigue.

Finally, we all know that sleep is fundamental to living an active and fulfilling life, but several research studies have shown that nighttime sleep is shorter and less restful when the sleeping space is cluttered. Dr. Pamela Thacher, a psychologist at St. Lawrence University, found in her study that people who slept in cluttered bedrooms were more likely to experience a sleep disorder. Taming the chaos in your bedroom can go a long way toward improving your health through restful sleep.

neatly made bed

Having a clutter-free home is not a luxuryā€”itā€™s a necessity for living your healthiest life. Your organized home can reduce stress, improve sleep, and protect you from common household hazards.

After years of working with thousands of clients, weā€™ve seen firsthand the effects of clutter and the transformation that our clients experience once their home is in order. If you need a helping hand to get started, reach out to the Bee Organized location nearest youā€”our Bees are ready to give you the compassionate, confidential, and judgment-free assistance you deserve!

Feel Good Holiday Tips

The holiday season should be a time of joy, connection, and reflection. However, for a lot of people, the holidays can be stressful and overwhelming, sucking the joy right out of the season. Why not let this be the year that you take control of the chaos? Navigate the season with these Buzzworthy holiday stress tips to focus on being more present in order to savor the special moments of gathering with those you love.

1 BEE Intentional with Gifts

Give a gift that doesnā€™t take up SPACE! Take the stress of gift buying off your plate and keep clutter out of the house by following these holiday gift ideas:

  • Change the Trend: Tell your friends and family that you donā€™t need another thing. Agree to NO GIFTS this year and stick to it! Instead, create memories together by spending quality time with activities like game nights or holiday movie marathons.
  • Choose Experiences Over Things: Instead of traditional gifts, consider giving the gift of experiences. Plan a weekend getaway, music concert outing, trip to a sporting event, spa day, or trip to your favorite restaurant. The possibilities are endless when you really think about the person youā€™re gifting to.
  • Give Your Time: Cooking a special meal, baking a treat, babysitting, sharing your talent or lending a helping hand are way more meaningful than something you could buy.
  • two people cooking

  • Make a Donation: Choose a cause close to their heart, and that does good in the world and donate your time, goods, or money to help them this holiday season.
  • Give a Gift Certificate: Most of us already have too much stuff, so donā€™t add to the clutter. A gift card is convenient and allows the recipient the freedom to choose for themselves without adding to their physical belongings.
  • Give a Consumable: Gifts that can be consumed make wonderful gifts that donā€™t add to the clutter or take up precious space. Hereā€™s some of our favorite consumable gift ideas:
    • – Gourmet Treats or Baskets
    • – Wine or Craft Beers
    • – Specialty Teas or Coffee
    • – Create a Photo Slideshow
    • – Create a Music Playlist
    • – Subscription Services (Audible, Netflix, Meals, etc.)
    • – Cooking Classes or Workshops
    • – Cheese and Charcuterie Board Set
    • – Zoo and Botanical Garden Memberships
    • – Herb or Vegetable Gardening Kit
    • – Dance or Art Lessons
    • – Tickets to a Concert or Symphony

2 Plan Ahead

Start your holiday planning early so you can approach the season with a sense of organization and reduced stress, allowing you to fully embrace the joy and meaning of holiday festivities. As organizing and planning experts, we feel certain youā€™ll experience some of these benefits by planning ahead:

  • Avoid Last-Minute Stress: Create a checklist and prioritize tasks to stay organized and prevent last-minute rushes. Whether it’s gift shopping, decorating, or meal preparation, having a plan in place gives you ample time to tackle each task without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Declutter Now: As professional organizers, weā€™ve seen the measurable impact that a freshly organized space can have. The more you can do to remove clutter now, the better off youā€™ll be later. Grab a trash bag, bin, or cardboard box, set a timer for 30 minutes, and see how much you can quickly declutter from your main rooms so you can feel good at home. Gather up all of the trash, broken items, etc. and toss them in the trash bag. Collect unwanted items in the cardboard box and donate them.
  • Stay on Budget: The holiday season often comes with increased expenses. Planning ahead allows you to create a budget and make thoughtful decisions about how much you want to spend on gifts, decorations, and other festive activities. This can help prevent financial strain and post-holiday budget woes.
  • Opportunity for Thoughtful Gift Selection: Taking the time to plan ahead allows you to choose gifts more thoughtfully. You can consider the preferences and interests of your loved ones, resulting in more meaningful and appreciated presents.
  • Time for Personalization: Planning ahead provides the opportunity to personalize gifts or decorations. Whether it’s customizing a present, creating handmade items, or ordering personalized cards, having extra time allows for a more thoughtful and unique touch.
  • Flexibility in Scheduling: Planning ahead gives you the flexibility to schedule holiday activities and gatherings at times that work best for everyone involved. This can help you coordinate with family and friends, making it easier for everyone to participate.
  • Reduced Pressure and Anxiety: The holiday season can be stressful, and procrastination can intensify that pressure. Planning ahead helps distribute tasks over time, reducing the burden and without adding unnecessary anxiety.
  • More Time for Relaxation and Enjoyment: Planning ahead ensures that you have more time to relax and enjoy the special moments of the holiday season. You can focus on spending quality time with loved ones rather than rushing through last-minute preparations.

3 Follow the ABCā€™s for Healthy Holidays

The holiday season is a time for joy and celebration, but itā€™s crucial to prioritize your health and well-being. Finding a balance between enjoying festivities and maintaining healthy habits can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable holiday experience.

We sat down with our friend and expert, Catie Herst, a licensed mental healthcare professional (LCPC, with Monarch Family Therapy), for simple tips that support positive mental health and will help make things less stressful during eggnog season.

  • Ask for & Accept help
  • Boundary Setting
  • Compromise & Control

Learn more in this video from Catie and our Bee Organized co-founders, Lisa Foley and Kristen Christian.

Keep in mind that the holiday season is a time to cherish the company of loved ones and celebrate the joy of giving. Set realistic expectations for yourself knowing it is okay if everything doesn’t go perfectly. Let go of the idea of a “perfect” holiday and embrace the imperfections. Focus on the joy of spending time with loved ones rather than striving for perfection. By being intentional, simplifying, planning ahead, and focusing on what truly matters, you can create a calmer and more joyful holiday experience.

Holiday Checklists

With the hustle and bustle of the season in full swing, we thought a few good holiday checklists might come in handy to keep you organized and focused on your holiday preparations.

Feel Good Holiday Tips

If youā€™re like most people, the holidays can be stressful and overwhelming, sucking the joy right out of the season. Take control of the chaos this year! Use these tips to focus on being more present and savor the special moments of gathering again with those we love.

1 BEE Intentional with Gifts

Give a gift that doesnā€™t take up SPACE! Take the stress of gift buying off your plate and keep clutter out of the house by following these tips:

ā€“ Change the Trend: Tell your friends and family that you donā€™t need another thing. Agree to NO GIFTS this year and stick to it!

ā€“ Give an Experience: What can you experience together to create special memories? A trip, concert, sports, museum, favorite restaurantā€¦the possibilities are endless when you really think about the person youā€™re gifting to.

ā€“ Give Your Time: Cooking a special meal, baking a treat, babysitting, sharing your talent or lending a helping hand are way more meaningful than something you could buy.

ā€“ Give a Consumable:: Whatā€™s your friend’s favorite coffee blend or wine? Create a photo slideshow or music playlist. Or consider a subscription to Netflix, Audible, meals, etc.

ā€“ Make a Donation:: Choose a cause close to their heart and that does good in the world.

ā€“ Give a Gift Certificate: Of course we think a Bee Organized Gift Card is the perfect gift that not only simplifies and reclaims space, but keeps giving all year long!

2 Follow the ABCā€™s for Healthy Holidays

  • Ask for & Accept help
  • Boundary Setting
  • Compromise & Control

Learn more in the video from our resident therapist, Catie Herst, LCPC, Monarch Family Therapy.


With the hustle and bustle of the season in full swing, we thought a few good checklists might come in handy to keep you organized and focused on your holiday preparations.

Get ready now for Holiday Guests with this checklist so you can be fully present when they arrive.