
Organizing Your Kitchen Will HelpYou BEE Ready for the Holidays

Organizing Your Kitchen Will HelpYou BEE Ready for the Holidays

Organized kitchen Pantry

The holiday season is getting closeā€”and with it will come the whirlwind of cooking, baking, cleaning, decorating, hosting, and more! For most of us, the kitchen is the center of our busy Hive, and itā€™s a place that takes on extra responsibility during the holiday season. As you count the days until your first holiday festivities, you can help your future self by purging, restocking, and organizing three prime areas of your kitchen.

Recipes and Cookbooks

If you are like us, you have recipes in every conceivable formā€”emails, bookmarks in browsers, handwritten recipe cards, print-outs of aspirational recipes, and cookbooks upon cookbooks. Before holiday cooking and baking begin in earnest, think about finally getting a handle on your recipe situation. As you tackle your recipe collection, the first place to start is by taking a hard look at your cookbooks. The most optimistic version of yourself might have bought most of your cookbooksā€”or perhaps youā€™ve received cookbooks over the years as gifts or family heirlooms.

The first step, as always, is to use our famous Power Purge to sort through the cookbooks and recipes that are just taking up space. Look through your cookbooks and take photos of any promising recipes before clearing the books out of your kitchen.

Consider moving to a completely digital recipe organization system. Some of us have had excellent luck using Google Drive to keep our recipes organizedā€”whether itā€™s a spreadsheet of links to recipes from all over the internet or a series of folders where you keep photos and PDFs of recipes sorted by category. We know of some folks who make it a policy to always email themselves recipes with very clear (and searchable!) subject lines.

If you have a variety of recipes on paper and donā€™t feel compelled to scan them into the digital world, think about using a binder to organize and preserve your recipes. You can use clear plastic sleeves with pockets to protect handwritten recipe cards from drips and splashes. Use a three-hole punch on your recipe printouts and a few tabs to divide your recipes into appetizers, desserts, holiday favorites, and more.

There is no one right way to organize your recipes, so feel empowered to adapt our strategies to fit your needs, usage patterns, and emotional connections.

Spices and Seasonings

When was the last time you spent some quality time tending to your spices? How many of them have long expired, never been used, or have lost their aroma? Before the holiday cooking begins, get your fragrant seasonings organized!

Before you start organizing anything, you need to discard those spices and seasonings that are too old to be useful. While most experts agree that itā€™s safe to use expired seasonings and spices, you should toss anything that is clumping or just smells off. Pinch a bit of the spice between your fingers and rub them togetherā€”if there is little or no fragrance, itā€™s probably time to replace that container.

Once you are down to those containers of spices and seasonings that are still in good shape, be honest with yourself about which ones you will foreseeably use in your cooking. If you are an adventurous chef who regularly experiments with new types of cuisine, your spices and seasoning needs will be much broader than someone who limits their cooking to tried and true recipes and styles.

Think about what organizational style will streamline your cooking. If you use a wide variety of spices, alphabetizing the containers could save you time searching when you are whipping up a new dish. Some folks have better luck with keeping their top 5 or 10 spices in easy reach, while they store the remainder in a container or cabinet. Spice racks, drawer inserts, or spinning trays can all help you make the most of your space. Whatever way you decide to organize your spices, make sure they are clearly labeled and in a cool, dark place when possible.

Finally, think about those recipes that you make during every holiday seasonā€”whether itā€™s cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving or black-eyed peas on New Yearā€™sā€”and make a list of herbs and spices to have on hand before the cooking commences!

Baking Ingredients and Tools

The final area to give yourself a holiday head start is with your baking ingredients and supplies. Essentially, you need to take inventory of the supplies you will need for your upcoming baking, whether you are making cornbread for Thanksgiving stuffing, pumpkin pies, or the whole range of Christmas cookies, candies, and other sweets. To begin, take EVERYTHING out of the baking section of your kitchen so that you can see what you have, what is expired, what tools need to be refreshed, and which ingredients need a re-stock. Check through our list to help prompt your memory about what you might need in the next few weeks of festivities:

  • Flour: All-purpose flour, cake flour, bread flour, gluten-free flour if needed
  • Sugars: Granulated sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar (dark and light), other natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup
  • Dairy: Butter, eggs, milk, buttermilk, heavy cream
  • Flavorings: Vanilla extract, almond extract, cocoa powder or chocolate chips, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon
  • Other key ingredients: Shortening, vegetable oil, baking powder, baking soda, yeast, cornstarch
  • Supplies: Parchment paper, food coloring, sprinkles, cookie cutters, muffin/cupcake liners

Take a close look at your baking equipment too. If your favorite spatula has taken a beating or you notice your loaf pans are too scraped up to release properly, think about ditching and replacing them before you are up to your elbows in flour!

We hope getting your kitchen whipped into shape now will give you more time to do the things that bring you joy during the holidays! And if you get stuck somewhere in the process, you know you can always call in the Bees to get you back on track!

Feel Good Holiday Tips

If youā€™re like most people, the holidays can be stressful and overwhelming, sucking the joy right out of the season. Take control of the chaos this year! Use these tips to focus on being more present and savor the special moments of gathering again with those we love.

1 BEE Intentional with Gifts

Give a gift that doesnā€™t take up SPACE! Take the stress of gift buying off your plate and keep clutter out of the house by following these tips:

ā€“ Change the Trend: Tell your friends and family that you donā€™t need another thing. Agree to NO GIFTS this year and stick to it!

ā€“ Give an Experience: What can you experience together to create special memories? A trip, concert, sports, museum, favorite restaurantā€¦the possibilities are endless when you really think about the person youā€™re gifting to.

ā€“ Give Your Time: Cooking a special meal, baking a treat, babysitting, sharing your talent or lending a helping hand are way more meaningful than something you could buy.

ā€“ Give a Consumable:: Whatā€™s your friend’s favorite coffee blend or wine? Create a photo slideshow or music playlist. Or consider a subscription to Netflix, Audible, meals, etc.

ā€“ Make a Donation:: Choose a cause close to their heart and that does good in the world.

ā€“ Give a Gift Certificate: Of course we think a Bee Organized Gift Card is the perfect gift that not only simplifies and reclaims space, but keeps giving all year long!

2 Follow the ABCā€™s for Healthy Holidays

  • Ask for & Accept help
  • Boundary Setting
  • Compromise & Control

Learn more in the video from our resident therapist, Catie Herst, LCPC, Monarch Family Therapy.


With the hustle and bustle of the season in full swing, we thought a few good checklists might come in handy to keep you organized and focused on your holiday preparations.

Get ready now for Holiday Guests with this checklist so you can be fully present when they arrive.

Buzz Tips for the Holidays

Every year at this time we are humbled with an abundance of gratitude for the amazing blessings Bee Organized has provided us. We get to do what we love with clients and partners we love. In addition, weā€™re surrounded by incredible Bees who work tirelessly to simplify Hives all over the city with love and compassion. The people we work with and for are what make it all worthwhile!

Thank you for believing in Bee Organized and allowing us to come into your lives and homes. You are the heart of everything we do. It is our HONOR to work with you, laugh with you, and even cry with you at times, as we help you Simplify Your Hive

So, from our HIVE to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

ā€”Lisa & Kristen

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present but not giving it.”

ā€” William Arthur Ward

If you’re like most people, the holidays can be stressful and overwhelming, sucking the joy right out of the season. Take control of the chaos this year! Use these tips to focus on being more present and savor the special moments of gathering again with those we love. 

1.  Bee Intentional with Gifts
Give a gift that doesn’t take up SPACE!  Take the stress of gift buying off your plate and keep clutter out of the house by following these tips:

– Change the Trend:  Tell your friends and family that you don’t need another thing. Agree to NO GIFTS this year and stick to it!

– Give an Experience:  What can you experience together to create special memories? A trip, concert, sports, museum, favorite restaurant…the possibilities are endless when you really think about the person you’re gifting to. 

– Give Your Time:  Cooking a special meal, baking a treat, babysitting, sharing your talent or lending a helping hand are way more meaningful than something you could buy.
– Give a Consumable:  What’s your friends favorite coffee blend or wine? Create a photo slideshow or music playlist. Or consider a subscription to Netflix, Audible, Spotify, etc. 

– Make a Donation:  Choose a cause close to their heart and that does good in the world.

– Give a Gift Certificate:  Of course we think a Bee Organized Gift Card is the perfect gift that not only simplifies and reclaims space, but keeps giving all year long!
2.  Follow the ABC’s for Healthy Holidays  
  • Ask for & Accept help
  • Boundary Setting
  • Compromise & Control

Courtesy of our resident therapist, Catie Herst, LCPC, Monarch Family Therapy.

Schedule Free Assessment Now



Keep your gift wrap organized and take advantage of door space with the Elfa Gift Wrap Rack. The white sturdy basket is perfect for long rolls of gift wrap, posters, umbrellas and more.  This popular item is easy to install on any size door and makes gift wrapping a breeze!




ā€œI had the Bees organize my kitchen and pantry.  They were on time, professional and efficient. They saved me countless hours and decision making. It was definitely worth it, and I would highly encourage anyone to work with them if they want to save time and add sanity and calm to their space!”
ā€” Ashley (happy client)
  • JOB :  Kansas City Bee
  • BEE SUPER POWER :  Purging
  • ORGANIZING PROFILE :  The Memory Keeper
  • GUILTY PLEASURE :  Spa days
  • FAVORITE NECTAR (drink) :  Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc
  • BEST INSPIRATION :  My father
  • FAVORITE ORGANIZING TOOL : Clear plastic bins…or trash
  • PET PEEVE (OR BEE STING) :  Dirty kitchens
  • WORDS TO LIVE BY :  “Treat others as you want to be treated”

With the hustle and bustle of the season in full swing, we thought a few good checklists might come in handy to keep you organized and focused on your holiday preparations. 
Get ready now for Holiday Guests with this checklist so you can be fully present when they arrive.
Don’t stress over holiday meal planning, prep now with this Menu Planner and Grocery List.  
Bee Organized is now Simplifying Hives in 11 cities, embodying the same core Bee-liefs of providing compassionate, confidential and judgement-free services.  If we’re not in your city yet, did you know our Bees can travel to you? Give us a Buzz for details and pricing.