
How We Came to Bee 

How We Came to Bee 

It all started as best friends since junior high. We are the yin and the yang, Mutt and Jeff, Thelma and Louise…you get the picture. As life moved forward with new spouses, new houses and kids, we did our best to support each other and navigate life.

One friend, a self-proclaimed “hot mess,” earnestly struggling to organize, simplify, and sustain a household that was constantly expanding with family, furniture, and the tchotchkes of life that naturally accumulate.

The other friend, already gifted in the art and science of space organizing, knew exactly what needed to be done — with kindness and compassion — and made it FUN!

That was us — Kristen and Lisa. Helping each other. With patience and trust. Clarity and calm. Grace and humor. That was the beginning of Bee Organized.

Simplifying and organizing our own homes brought out the BEST in each of us. We were happier. We actually felt better about ourselves, and more grateful and present in our daily lives.

That feeling sparked a crazy idea in us, “Why couldn’t we do this for others?” “What if we took our passion for organizing and love for helping others and turned it into something bigger?”

So, built on the shoulders of this friendship, trust, and support, we began offering our services. The affirmations from our family, friends and complete strangers were overwhelming. We were humbled.

“My house feels lighter, and so do I.”

“You restored in me something I feel like I had completely lost.”

“I had no idea how much the clutter and disorganization was stressing me out until the project was finished.”

We saw the despair of some clients turn into hope. We saw procrastination turn into productivity. We watched clients happily move on with the next chapter of their lives, and we watched others fall in love with their homes all over again.

We launched Bee Organized in 2015, with the sole desire and purpose of helping people get organized and teaching them how to “Simplify their Hives” and lives. We knew that if people could get a glimpse of how organization could change their lives…they’d be hooked!

The Jive of Our Hive

We started small, worked hard, and with grit and humility, we built a national brand from the ground up. As our Buzz quickly spread, our purpose became bigger than just organizing. We now realize that we’re transforming lives…one Hive at a time. We are beyond proud that a family culture has organically developed in our company, not unlike that of a beehive –- everyone Buzzing together with the same goal.

We originally created Bee Organized to help our friends and neighbors locally. Little did we know that we were building a road map for organizing enthusiasts around the country to build a business for themselves, but not by themselves. And just like that, Bee Organized Franchising was born!

One of our greatest joys has been watching our Franchise Owners spread their wings and experience this sweet nectar of success, while providing a needed service.

One owner said it best… “Becoming a Franchise Owner has allowed me to continue to ‘fill my bucket’ of helping others while providing a professional, exemplary service.”

Through the years a lot has changed. Our business has grown into a successful franchise company with Bees pollinating in major cities from the West Coast to the East Coast. But one thing has remained constant. Our three Bee-liefs, the foundation we built our company on:

We meet you where you are and come alongside you to listen, talk, and sometimes cry together.

It’s our privilege to be in your home, and you’re the only one who ever needs to know we were there.

We respect your courage and conviction to seek our help. We’re impartial, accepting, and focused on progress, not perfection.

We continue to thrive because of this embedded foundation.

Through our Bee-liefs, we attract Bees nationwide who embrace these same core values. That’s why our Bee’s superpowers go way beyond organizing, and set us apart from the crowd. One of our happy Bees summed it up beautifully by gushing…

“Many times we enter homes as complete strangers, but leave being the best of friends.”

We are all so giddy about what we do that we even created our own Organizing Profile Quiz for our clients so we can all better understand why we buy what we buy, and keep what we keep. Once we understand our relationship with our stuff and our behaviors around it, we can make lasting changes.

At Bee Organized our mission is simple…we make spaces more usable, homes more livable, and lives more enjoyable. We do this because (we love making new friends) and we’re certain that simplified, clutter-free and orderly spaces make it easier to breathe, think, work and live.

We gotta ask you, my friend, who doesn’t want more of that?

P.S. If we’ve got you Buzzing… mention this story “How We Came To Bee” for a honey of a deal on your first booking with us.

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